27th September 2024

Search Woodhouse Parish Council

Woodhouse Parish Council Serving the people of Woodhouse & Woodhouse Eaves

Woodhouse Eaves Horticultural and Craft Show 2024

Saturday, 7th September 2024

After a successful event last year, the Woodhouse Eaves Horticultural and Craft Show is happening again this year on Saturday September 7, 2024. The list of classes is the same as last year and an extra new class for children to grow the biggest sunflower head. Everyone is welcome to enter and we would like to encourage children to take part.

Entry forms will be available from all local shops from August onwards, or you can download and print the entry form as an A4 page from this link.

Registration on the day is between 8.30 and 10.45. The show will be open for visitors from 2pm onwards with a £1 entry fee for adults and free for children. This will be a cash only event.


Timetable on the day


Doors open for registration


Registrations close


Doors close for judging


Doors open for visitors


Remove entries


Raffle & presentation of cups


Sale of produce

Show Rules

  1. All classes are open to both female and male exhibitors.
  2. Exhibits MUST be the product of the house/garden/allotment of the exhibitor.
  3. Staging of exhibits may start at 8.30am and MUST BE COMPLETED by 10.45am, with an entry fee of 50p per exhibit for adults (maximum of £10). Children's entries are free, unless entering adult classes.
  4. Exhibitors to provide their own containers and plates. Exhibitors' adhesive numbers should be clearly visible, particularly in the culinary classes. They should NOT be fixed to the cling film, but on the TOP edge of the plate or dish. Vases supplied for all cut flower exhibits.
  5. Village Hall exhibits SHALL NOT be removed before 4pm. Those remaining after 5pm will be deemed a gift and sold for Show funds.
  6. Any exhibitor wishing to lodge an objection may do so to any Committee Member before 3pm with a fee of £5, refunded if the complaint is upheld. The decision of the Committee or judge is final.
  7. Points awarded 1st = 3pts, 2nd = 2pts, 3rd = 1pt
  8. Judges may withhold any prize from any Class where they consider that there are insufficient entries or that the exhibits are of insufficient merit or quality to justify awards.
  9. Garnishing of exhibits with parsley or foliage is allowed. A black base cloth is also permitted.
  10. The Committee are not responsible for the loss or damage to any exhibit.
  11. In the Flowers/Vegetable/Fruit Section only one entry in each Class is allowed from a family.
  12. Exhibits that have previously won a prize in this Show cannot be re-entered. However, if you have previously entered an item in the Craft or Children's sections, and it did not win a prize, then it may be entered in the Show again.
  13. The Allotment Prize-winner is not eligible to win again for the following year.
  14. Viewing of the exhibits by the public is from 2pm to 4pm. Admission is £1 for adults and free for children.
  15. Trophies to be held for one year.
  16. Only one entry per person, per class, is permitted.



1. Six roses in a container
2. Six sweet peas in a container
3. Mixed garden flowers in a container
4. My best flower
5. Three dahlias
6. Rose (judged on scent alone)


7. Cacti / Succulent
8. Foliage plant
9. Flowering pot plant


10. Plate of five dessert apples
11. My best fruit
12. Plate of ten raspberries
13. Plate of five cooking apples


14. Three onions, each 250g or under
15. Four potatoes of the same variety
16. Three carrots
17. Novelty or unusual vegetable
18. Pair of vegetables (same variety) - not in schedule
19. Four pods of runner beans
20. A container of fresh herbs
21. Three chilli peppers
22. Four pods of dwarf French beans
23. Two sweetcorn cobs
24. Five different vegetables in a seed tray (one of each)
25. Three leeks
26. Three courgettes (max length 15cm)
27. Three beetroot
28. Longest runner bean
29. Three sticks of rhubarb
30. Six tomatoes


31. Six cheese straws on a plate (own recipe)
32. Loaf of home-made bread - made by hand
33. Fruit cake loaf (own recipe)
34. Victoria sponge, round tins, any size (own recipe)
35. Four decorated cup cakes (judged on appearance only)
36. Apple pie
37. Four free from homemade biscuits or cookies (vegan or gluten free - entries must be labeled)
38. Jar of chutney
39. Jar of jam
40. Three eggs


41. Alcoholic beverage - spirits eg sloe gin or cassis
42. Bottle of homemade red, white or rose wine


43. I made this myself (not in schedule)
44. Flower arrangement - in recycled container
45. Hand-knitted garment
46. A stitched item
47. Painting - any size, any medium
48. An article of interest associated with the village
49. Coloured photograph - 'Wild Flowers' (max 18cm x 18cm)


50. Potato bag - heaviest crop
51. Posy in a jam-jar
52. Coloured photograph - 'Wild Flowers' (max 18cm x 18cm)
53. Something I made from recycled materials
54. Bug hotel
55. Something I baked
56. Something I grew myself
57. Biggest sunflower head I grew myself


58. Four crispy cakes
59. Colouring (print from the parish council website)

Last updated: Mon, 27 May 2024 19:49