27th September 2024

Search Woodhouse Parish Council

Woodhouse Parish Council Serving the people of Woodhouse & Woodhouse Eaves

Planning Applications

Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District/Borough Council directly. We receive details of applications and are consulted on them. We can submit our views (taking into account the views of local residents), but the District/Borough Council primarily look to us to provide local insight and may not follow our view. The public should send comments to both the Local Council and District/Borough Council within any deadline period. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.

Mon, 19 Aug 2024

Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 8No. residential dwellings, with associated amenity space, landscaping and parking provision

Selbys Garage,77 Main Street,Woodhouse Eaves,Leicestershire,LE12 8RY

Thu, 13 Oct 2022

912 Common Ash Take down to ground level 913 Common Yew Reduce stress on main bifurcation by reducing crown height by 2m. Reduce South facing Limb by 2m and west facing stem by 3m 914 Common Yew Shorten failed limb by 3m Additional Information:

60 Main Street Woodhouse Eaves Leicestershire LE12 8RZ

Wed, 27 Jul 2022

Fell 1 no conifer as identified on the photo attached to the Sect 211 notice

Post box 7m from 46A Main Street, 4 m from Main Street Woodhouse Eaves Leicestershire LE12 8RZ

Fri, 28 Jun 2024

Section 73a Removal of Condition 1 (Ampllified Music) of Planning Application ref: P/15/0998/2 (Retention of decking to rear of public house). Removal request to have condition relating to restriction of music playing to be removed

8 Church Hill Woodhouse Eaves Leicestershire LE12 8RT

Mon, 21 Nov 2022

Fell 1 no Rowan

14 Nanhill Drive Woodhouse Eaves LE12 8TL

Fri, 8 Sep 2023

T1 Sycamore Work - Remove Reason - Tree is in decline. Has significant squirrel damage. Removal of all dead and damaged branches will leave an unsightly tree with potential for development of unsafe structure. The tree is located adjacent to a mature Beech tree which requires greater space to fully develop and offer greater impact on amenity of street scene. T2 Sycamore Work - Remove Reason - Insignificant tree which has developed competing for light and space. Proximity to adjacent Beech tree will lead to detrimentally affecting growth and spread of Beech which will reduce amenity value.

The Coach House 48 Brand Hill Woodhouse Eaves Leicestershire LE12 8SS

Fri, 7 Jun 2024

Installation of track and use of existing vehicular access point and the track for access to existing dwellinghouse with associated works (Retrospective)

Brand Hill House,Brand Hill,Woodhouse Eaves,Leicestershire,LE12 8SX

Thu, 12 May 2022

Scots pine- prune to rebalance crown and reduce sail weight.

Stable House 17 Swithland Court Brand Hill Woodhouse Eaves Leicestershire

Thu, 10 Aug 2023

Fell 1No Poplar, Fell 1No Yew, Prune 2No Yew, and Fell 1No Bay Laurel

The Holt 225 - 227 Forest Road Woodhouse Leicestershire LE12 8TZ

Mon, 3 Oct 2022

T1 & T2 are semi mature Cherry trees located in the front garden of the property, adjacent to the property. Actions for works are to reduce the canopy of both trees in height and width by no more than 30% of the leaf area.

Pinewood Brand Lane Woodhouse Eaves Leicestershire LE12 8TY

Wed, 25 May 2022

Cherry- fell Cedar - fell

2 Home Farm Close Old Woodhouse Leicestershire LE12 8UD

Thu, 28 Sep 2023

8No. Damson Trees adjacent to Forest Road Boundary: Crown Reduce by 20% - 30% to reduce end weight.

2 Home Farm Close Old Woodhouse Leicestershire LE12 8UD

Thu, 11 Jan 2024

Application to fell 1no Oak Tree (T1) which is protected by CBC Tree Preservation Order

The Grange, Flat 3 Brand Hill Woodhouse Eaves Leicestershire LE12 8ST

Mon, 31 Oct 2022

Removal of the conifer at the front of the house.

243 Forest Road Woodhouse Leicestershire LE12 8TZ

Thu, 21 Sep 2023

TG1 - 3x Silver Birch Work - Crown reduce by 25% approx 2m from tips. Reason - Maintain sunlight to garden T1 - Ash Work - Raise Canopy to 4.5m from ground level (secondary branches only). Reason - To allow light to plants in garden.

22 Beaumanor Gardens Woodhouse Leicestershire LE12 8UR

Wed, 12 Oct 2022

T1 and T2 Ash to be reduced by 1 meter to to the closest pruning point. T3 Spruce to cut back the over hanging branches by 1 meter or to the closest pruning point

280 Forest Road Woodhouse Leicestershire LE12 8UA

Wed, 3 Aug 2022

Sycamore (T1) - Fell due to poor physiological condition.

Swithland Manor 1 Main Street Swithland Leicestershire LE12 8TG

Mon, 2 Sep 2024

Discharge of Condition 3 (Materials) of Planning Application ref: P/22/2312/2 (Two storey extensions to rear, new roof to rear of dwelling, new garage roof, rendering of dwelling to rear wings and replacement windows)

46 Main Street,Swithland,Leicestershire,LE12 8TH

Fri, 31 May 2024

Discharge of Conditions 3 (Fenestration, Wall and Roof Coverings and repaired and replacement eaves detail, guttering and down pipes), 4 (Landscaping Scheme), 7 (Trees and Hedges Protection Measures), 8 (Bird and Bat Mitigation Strategy), 15 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme) and 16 (Surface water Management) of Planning Application ref:P/18/0431/2 (conversion, alterations and extensions to farmhouse and outbuildings to create 13 dwellings and construction of two dwellings (revised scheme - P/17/0550/2 refers))

Park Grange Farm Newstead Way Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 2FB

Mon, 18 Mar 2024

Conversion, alterations and extensions to farmhouse and outbuildings to create 13 dwellings and construction of two dwelling - Section 73 Variation of conditions 2, 9 and 13 of Planning Permission ref: P/18/0431/2 to consist of layout changes, demolition of outbuildings and rebuild outbuildings

Park Grange Farm Newstead Way Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 2FB

Wed, 27 Sep 2023

Planning Application seeks full planning permission for a residential development of 133 dwellings, associated landscaping, open space, infrastructure and enabling earthworks.

Land off Laburnum Way Loughborough LE11 2FB

Tue, 20 Aug 2024

Installation of solar panels

The White House,78 Main Street,Swithland,Leicestershire,LE12 8TH

Mon, 21 Nov 2022

T1 Acer Drummondii - Fell.

109 Main Street Swithland Leicestershire LE12 8TG

Wed, 27 Jul 2022

T1 Acer drummondii - Crown reduce by 25%, approx. 4-6ft. T2 Acer Crimson King - Crown reduce by 25%, approx. 5-8ft, raise foliage to 5.2m above road. T3 Acer Crimson King - Crown reduce by 25%, approx. 5-8ft, raise foliage to 5.2m above road.

109 Main Street Swithland Leicestershire LE12 8TG

Mon, 6 Nov 2023

Approval of Reserved Matters, pursuant to outline consent P/21/0550/2 (appeal ref: (APP/X2410/W/21/3289048), for the development of 117 dwellings with access from Main Street, Woodthorpe, Loughborough (Amended description - received date 16/07/2024)

Land South of Terry Yardley Way and East of Woodthorpe South of Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 2WF

Fri, 20 Jan 2023

To vary the S106 agreement for P/21/0550/2 (to specify the width of the link road as 5.5m)

Main Street Woodthorpe Loughborough Leicestershire

Tue, 13 Dec 2022

T1 - Blue Atlas Cedar Work - Crown reduce to previous cuts T2 - Crimson King Maple Work - Re-pollard T3 - Crab Apple Work - Crown Reduce to previous cuts T4 - Drumundii Maple Work - Crown Reduce to previous cuts

111 Main Street Swithland Leicestershire LE12 8TQ

Mon, 31 Oct 2022

Fell trees A & B Reduce all conifers identified on submitted plan

113 Main Street Swithland Leicestershire LE12 8TQ

Tue, 21 May 2024

Discharge of Condition 4 (Bat Mitigation Strategy) of Planning Application ref: (P/20/1526/2 (Demolition of existing dwelling, garage and outbuildings. Erection of a replacement dwelling including annexe and attached garage, and associated hard and soft landscaping)

Benscliffe Cottage Benscliffe Road Newtown Linford Leicestershire LE6 0AG

Wed, 22 May 2024

Retention of use of barn for vehicle repair workshop (Use Class B2)

Unit 11B Whatoff Lodge, Woodhouse Road, Quorn, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 8AL

Fri, 31 May 2024

Retention of the change of use of agricultural land to the storage of portable event floorng.

Whatoff Lodge, Woodhouse Road, Quorn, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 8AL

Tue, 25 Jun 2024

Retention of use of hardstanding area within farm for a mixed use for agricultural purposes and the parking of caravans..

Whatoff Lodge, Woodhouse Road, Quorn, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 8AL

Wed, 10 Jan 2024

Erection of 1.5 storey outbuilding. (Revised scheme ref: P/23/1185/2)

Black Hill Farm Beacon Road Ulverscroft Leicestershire LE12 8XA

Thu, 4 Apr 2024

Section 73 - Variation of condition 1 (Approved Drawings), 2 (Material Details), 3 (Landscaping Scheme), 4 (Parking & Turning Facilities) and 6 (Tree Protection) of reserved matters approval P/23/0020/2 (Construction of one dwelling and triple garage/carport block). Variation consists of revised proposed plans which include changes to the elevational design of the proposed dwelling and details of the materials and the tree protection plan.

Land to the rear of 88-90 Chaveney Road Quorn LE12 8AD

Wed, 10 Jan 2024

Outline Application for the demolition of 67 and 69 Parklands Drive and the erection of up to 65 dwellings with all matters reserved except for access

Land off Parklands Drive Loughborough Leicestershire

Thu, 20 Jan 2022

Discharge of conditions 4 (Construction Method Statement) 5 (landscaping), 6 (MUGA details), 9 (Ecology), 14, (Street Furniture) 16 (Access Arrangements) and 19 (Public Right of Way Treatment) of P/21/0487/2.

Land off Nanpantan Sports Ground Watermead Lane Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 3PD

Mon, 30 Oct 2023

Change of Use of Stables to Dwellinghouse (Class C3) and construction of single-storey rear extension

Benscliffe Hay Sharpley Hill Newtown Linford Leicestershire LE6 0AH

Thu, 21 Sep 2023

Erection of two storey front and side extension, single storey rear extension and formation of double garage to front (following demolition of existing garage) (Revised scheme to planning permission reference P/22/2032/2)

333 Beacon Road Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 2RA

Last updated: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 12:11